
Mur (9)

Mur (9)

5 commentaires:

  1. looks like a dragon on the wall :)

  2. looks like its gonna cover it all!

  3. And nature's painting lndscapes on these walls. A river running through through woods while the hinterland is shining in golden light.

    And your imagery is painting roads to wander in mind. No road that can't be walked. No place to far to reach.

    A simple frame full of stories. A simple frame full of philosophy. A brilliant frame to raise a lot of questions I don't have answers to. But that's what makes it so damn interesting, my friend. Brilliant, Francis!

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  4. interesting patterns formed by the moss.. nicely captured.. :)

  5. I've been staring at your photo's,and now I think I see the same as you, I see all the twisting rivers, all the unevenness, the shades that our lives can take. It's amazing, and it's inspiring finding meaning in all the little detail. You're photographs are beautiful Francis, and they captivate the eye, pulling you into the shot,finding those details...


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