

Como viver junto (5) - 27a bienal de São Paulo (7/10 - 17/12/2006)

What does it mean to live, love, suffer, die, and so forth, in a city like Beirut -or maybe in any other city on this planet? Spectre (2006) is a re-creation of a real building on a miniature scale. The Yackobian Building, where Marwan Rechmaoui lived for five years, was constructed in the 1960s as a luxury modernist-style building.

Mesmo tendo saído há anos desse prédio, onde se confrontava constantemente com o comportamento de seus moradores, a idéia de reproduzi-lo perseguiu o notívago artista.

J'aurais aimé (j'aimerais ?) avoir sous les yeux la maquette de tous les immeubles que j'ai habités et où j'ai laissé un peu de moi Cela ferait une belle collection, une si belle et grande collection de fantômes que l'appartement, où je vis aujourd'hui, n'y suffirait pas...

2 commentaires:

  1. Ce serait également mon cas...:-)

  2. i love the windows!!!! i myself take a lot of window pictures.. this is awesome! i think the largest window pictures i took was in Chicago but im still looking for a building as varied like this!


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