
Sing the Love of Danger, the Habit of Energy and Fearlessness

Como viver junto (4) - 27a bienal de São Paulo (7/10 - 17/12/2006)

Lars Ramberg intended to Sing the Love of Danger, the Habit of Energy and Fearlessness, focusing on the story of Venturo, a conceptual summerhouse designed by Matti Suuronen in the late 1960s. Having located an original cabin, the artist renovated it and present it in São Paulo as part of a sculptural installation that addresses the different perspectives around ideas of futurism, both in a historical and contemporary sense.

O trabalho de Ramberg aborda as dificuldades de viver junto: a questão de pertencer ou não a um território, as dúvidas sobre a nacionalidade e os perigos do nacionalismo. Lars Ramberg nasceu em Oslo e vive e trabalha em Berlim.

Si, pour Ramberg, il convient de se méfier des monuments classiques qui tendent à matérialiser une histoire prétendûment objective, faut-il considérer ce pavillon d'été dessiné par Suuronen comme un prototype de construction universelle ? En tout cas, j'ai passé un moment à tenter de localiser le paysage qui sert de trompe-l'oeil à l'installation. Nous étions loin de São Paulo et je ne savais si je devais m'en réjouir ou pas...

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