

metz (5059r)
Metz - Lorraine - France

[fr] Regardant pour la dernière fois le haut de la maison où, j’imagine, elle cachait sa folie. Cherchant les années oubliées, années d’école et de jeux de construction, dans la ligne d’horizon banale des petites villes endormies toute la journée... / Fr. J.

[pt] Olhando pela ultima vez o alto da casa onde, eu imagino, ela ficava louca. Procurando os anos perdidos, anos de escola e de jogos de construção, na linha de horizonte banal das pequenas cidades adormecidas o dia todo... / Fr. J.

[en] For the last time looking at the top of the house where, I imagine, she stood insane. Looking for the forgotten years, years of school and games of construction, in the mundane skyline of small cities aslept all day long... / Fr. J.


7 commentaires:

  1. It's definitely a story, PixeLuz, waiting to be told!

  2. A remarkable design and shown with vivid detail and color with your fine shot.

  3. those are some great details you captured here.. well done.. :)

  4. This is a great series complete with creative and though provoking narrative. I love the perspective here!

  5. The old things that force us to see a whole new way. My kind of perspective. This is some mighty fine minimalism. Good ol' Europe, brilliant frame. All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.


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