
To Weave A Wall To Hem Us In

to weave a wall to hem us in
From the series Hocus Focus.

Connected to "Round And Round (It Won't Be Long)" by Neil Young.


11 commentaires:

  1. simple, yet very powerful photo, bravo!

  2. Une composition mystérieuse très réussie ! Une belle imagination et un regard affuté sur ce qui t'entoure ! Bravo !

  3. Fantastisch.
    Wieder ein Foto mit einer ganz eigentümlichen Farb- und Lichstimmung.
    Einblicke in diverse Balkone und ihr Leben dahinter.
    Überragend allerdings das Camouflage-Netz. Eine irritierende Bildebene, die verdeckt, verhüllt, und selbst eine aufregende, taktile Oberfläche zum Betrachten bietet.
    Die Atmosphäre ist rätselhaft, zwielichtig.
    Grandiose Bildkunst!
    Gruß, Uwe

  4. Superbe et mystérieux. Dentelle de vieille libellule?

  5. Composition originale.
    L'art de la dissimulation.
    Montrer ou cacher selon les cas.
    Entendre ou refuser ce que l'on ne veut plus voir...

  6. perfect title for this post.. that looks like those camouflage fabrics you put on vehicles or goods.. :) nice catch!

  7. Un monde à contempler, une belle série.

  8. It's always the curtains that keep us curious & hide the secrets we're longing to know as long as we don't see. And when they appear all the magic suddenly vanishes.

    You manage to keep the secret with every single frame of this outstanding Hocus Focus series, Francis.

    "“All the world’s a stage / And all the men and women merely players / They have their exits and their entrances / And one man in his time plays many parts” (Shakespeare)

    What a beauty, my friend!

  9. interesting composition full of mystery

  10. ay, Francis - what a powerful and mysterious night-time shot.

    great color, great texture, great light and great composition and great atmosphere! David Lynch couldn't have done it better, buddy!

    keep it up!


  11. Cette chose tendue, étrange et bellement texturée, qui rythme l'image...


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