
Quaresma / Lent / Carême (3)

Quaresma / Lent / Carême (3)

História e música - Story and music - Histoire et musique : Astronomy Domine / Pink Floyd

[pt] É o tempo da Quaresma, uma quaresma pagã, que inspirou os profetas de desgraça e alguns homens de boa vontade. É o tempo da quaresma e o mundo é preto e branco. É o tempo da quaresma e convem encarar o mundo sozinho perante o vazio que ele dá-nos ver, o vazio que está dentro de nós... / Fr. J.

[fr] C’est le temps du Carême, un carême païen, qui a inspiré les prophètes de malheur et quelques hommes de bonne volonté. C’est le temps du carême et le monde est noir et blanc. C’est le temps du carême et il convient d’envisager le monde seul face au vide qu’il nous donne à voir, le vide qui est en nous... / Fr. J.

[en] It is the time of the Lent, a pagan lent, which inspired the prophets of misfortune and some men of good will. It is the time of the lent and the world is black and white. It is the time of the lent and we have to contemplate the world alone in front of the emptiness that it gives us to see, the emptiness which is in us... / Fr. J.


18 commentaires:

  1. wow! surreal! is this someone's abode? :D nice one!

  2. Great out-of-this-world shot! Very cool!

  3. Remarkable buildings for this totally unusual style and execution. They make a fine subject for this dramatic image with the troubled sky and brilliant patches on the distant terrain. Very well done.

  4. It looks like a sci-fi house of the future, PixeLuz. Pretty cool. :)

  5. wow.. what a great place and find . Great in mono . clouds are super too .

  6. It looks like a cross between the Flintstones and the Jetsons:-) Love that sky.

  7. "And for the first time, he wished he were far away. Lost in a deep, vast country where nobody knew him. Somewhere without language, or streets. He dreamed about this place without knowing its name." (Travis in Paris, Texas by Wim Wenders)

    Francis, this is knocking me off my feet. Lost in elsewhere land. Glowing & shining, calm under a brooding sky to leave us humble & excited. Words can hardly describe the feel looking at this gem! Words can hardly describe my thanks for seeing the world through your great eyes. How I wish to be traveling at your side ... discovering, experience places, discussing & listening to the finest music. It's just great, my friend! So damn great.

    All the best & safe travels,

  8. Quelle lumière !
    Là, aussi je tombe sous le charme.
    Une très belle composition et des plans photographiques captivants...
    La classe !

  9. so you occasionally visit the planet mars to take photos there also...

  10. Now, only Lieutenant Commander Data and Lieutenant Worf from Star Trek are missing on this picture. :-)

    A great capture and good post processing!

  11. This must be another planet :-) cool place you have found here.

  12. Uma arquitectura muito futurista e ao mesmo tempo apelativa.
    Gostava de ter uma casa assim.

  13. Impressive shot. great process.

  14. Je suis en train de découvrir ta série sur le carême. Tu sais rudement bien faire en NB aussi ! Et celle-ci est particulièrement impressionnante

  15. waouh ! superbes noirs et blancs pour ce carême. magnifique série, celle ci est ma préférée pour son côté surréel.


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