
Si loin, si proche

Si loin, si proche
Rouen - France - Septembre 2010

[fr] Assise sur son pliant, la femme porte un panneau expliquant que son fils a été injustement jeté en prison dans un pays arabe que je n’ai malheureusement pas pu identifier. D’autres femmes arabes en burqa contestent sa version. La scène s’achèvera par une violente dispute verbale entre la partisane de la modernité arabe et les gardiennes de la tradition. Une préfiguration de ce qui attend les pays arabes entrés en révolution ? / Fr. J.

[pt] A mulher sentada sobre a sua cadeira dobrável leva um painel que explica que o seu filho foi colocado injustamente em prisão num país árabe que, infelizmente, não pude identificar. Outras mulheres árabes em burqa contestam a versão dela. A cena terminará por uma violenta disputa verbal entre a partidária da modernidade árabe e as guardiãs da tradição. Uma prefiguração do que espera os países árabes entrados em revolução? / Fr. J.

[en] Sat on her folding stool, the woman carries a panel explaining that her son was wrongfully thrown in prison in an Arab country which I unfortunately could not identify. Other Arab women in burqa dispute her version. The scene will end by a violent verbal argument between the supporter of Arab modernity and the guardians of the tradition. A foreshadowing of what awaits the Arab countries entered in revolution? / Fr. J.


13 commentaires:

  1. Very intriguing image . Wish to know more about this woman sitting and showing this note .

  2. @mariana: i can't give more details than what i've written under the picture.

  3. A very interesting street scene of this confrontation.
    I think it fortunate that you were there when this occurred. Nice angle for this shot too. A fine capture of emotional expressions.

  4. Sometimes it's good to just lean back & let the words spoken & written just work. Listening to each other is the key to understanding.

    A frame that captures what finally became of the foreshadows. And we Europaens don't have a clear opinion right now while the people fight for liberation & freedom.

    A mighty fine frame, my friend!

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  5. Great image. Combined with the story it is a capture of the political climate in the Middle East today.

  6. Sorry, I did not pay attention to text you provided. I saw Spanish, and did not take a look at the bottom to read an English description of the image .

    Thanks !

  7. that must be hard for her.. it's nice of you to share this one.. nicely captured..

  8. you've captured a very poignant moment beautifully

  9. Very thoughtful capture--excellent photojournalistic shot. Much to consider here.

  10. excellent capture, we can all just wait to see what will happen in their world, will it be better or worse?

  11. pour l'instant ils en sont au plaisir des libertés retrouvées. j'espère que ton image n'est pas une prédiction

  12. Les événements actuels nous rappellent jusque que nous avons vécu la même chose il a peu de temps encore, ici en France. La liberté réelle d'opinion et des mœurs ne date que de cinquante ans à peine. Cette soif de liberté, ils la vivent aujourd'hui. Mais l'organisation de cette liberté risque de prendre un peu de temps...

  13. Quand la photo se fait reportage et quand l'explication vaut vraiment le coup.


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