
Dark Spires

Dark Spires

Cologne - Germany

[en] This is another place where the vision opens high keys, where hand in the hand of my father I used to visit on Sunday mornings the cathedral of A., contemplate its rose windows, imagine myself as an architect... / Fr. J.

[fr] C’est un autre lieu où le regard porte haut, où main dans la main de mon père j’allais visiter le dimanche matin la cathédrale d’A, admirer ses rosaces, m’imaginer architecte... / Fr. J.

[pt] É um outro lugar onde o olhar vai longe nos céus, onde eu caminhava mão na mão do meu pai para visitar nos domingos de manhã a catedral de A., contemplar suas rosáceas, era um lugar onde eu me imaginava arquiteto... / Fr. J.


7 commentaires:

  1. Dentelle de pierre contre modernité... L'image est saisissante.

  2. that structure looks very ominous.. like a giant walking in between those two buildings.. nice catch.

  3. What a graphical beauty. Outstanding point of view. And the bit of PLATZ makes this a special beauty. A terrific composition, my friend! All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  4. Love the juxtaposition of old and new here--great shot!

  5. O antigo e o moderno, aliados em grande harmonia.

  6. Love the dark tones of the ancient cathedral against the modern architecture up front. Well seen.


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