
Young Lovers

Young Lovers
Santa Maria de Jetibá - Espírito Santo - Brasil

[pt] Podia recortar a fotografia e eliminar a parte traseira do ônibus. Pareceu-me pelo contrário que a parte traseira do ônibus agregava valor à composição, sugerindo a ambigüidade da posição do fotógrafo, como que emerge de trás do ônibus para surpreender o jovem casal.
Se, na imagem que precedeu, era quase impossível reconhecer os namorados fotografados de longe, aqui é sem dúvida bastante fácil que os moradores de Santa Maria de Jetibá os identifiquem. Tinha o direito de publicar esta fotografia sem ter pedido a permissão? Pareceu-me que sim na medida em que os em condições de reconhecê-los não descobririam nada vendo essa foto.
Outros antes de mim, e entre os maiores fotógrafos, se arriscaram a este exercício. Aconteceu que, décadas após, alguns casais, tendo atingido a idade madura e adquirido o gosto de fazer dinheiro, desejaram obter uma remuneração dos fotógrafos tornado famosos. Mas aqui, não somos lá!

[en] I could have cropped this shot and eliminate the back of the bus. It seemed to me on the contrary that the back of the bus gave some addede value to the composition, by suggesting the ambiguity of the photographer’s position, as if he was emerging from behind the bus to surprise the young couple.
If with the previous picture, it was almost impossible to recognize the lovers photographed by far, it is here likely easy for the inhabitants of Santa Maria de Jetibá to identify them. Did I have the right to publish this one without having asked for the permission? It seemed to me that yes because those able to recognize them would not learn anything of this love affair by seeing this image.
Others before me, and among the greatest photographers, have practiced this exercise. It happened that, decades after, some couples wished to obtain a remuneration from photographers become famous. But here, we are not yet there!

[fr] Il aurait pu être tentant de recadrer la photo et d’éliminer le cul de bus. Il m’a semblé au contraire que le cul de bus donnait tout son sel à la composition, en suggérant l’ambiguïté de la position du photographe, comme s’il surgissait de derrière le bus pour surprendre le jeune couple.
Si dans la photo qui a précédé, il était quasi impossible de reconnaître les amoureux photographiés de loin, il est ici sans doute assez aisé pour les habitants de Santa Maria de Jetibá de les identifier. Avais-je le droit de publier cette photo sans en avoir demandé la permission ? Il m’a semblé que oui dans la mesure où ceux en mesure de les reconnaître n’apprendraient rien de cette relation amoureuse en voyant cette image.
D’autres avant moi, et parmi les plus grands photographes, se sont risqués à cet exercice. Il est parfois arrivé que, des décennies après, des couples, ayant atteint l’âge mûr et acquis le goût de marchander, ont souhaité obtenir une rétribution auprès de photographes devenus célèbres. Ici, nous n’en sommes pas là !


34 commentaires:

  1. I think you have the right to take and publish this image... it seems like a secret love... but then... they should have hidden better...

    Anyway... the truck adds value to your pictures... it puts everything in perspective...

  2. This is a very abstract picture. A lovely moment, a great scenery, the trucks make it very seldom. Truly nice.

  3. i think the bus back adds to it, it is more like a voyeur shot with that

  4. You kept the perfect distance to show some mighty fine street photography but without being to intimate. And the bus adds some kind of hip shot feel to it especially the 00 is the perfect detail to a great scenery. Beautiful picture, my friend. All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  5. they seem pretty nonchalant about others so it's good you took a snap of this.. :) very nice street candid shot.. :D

  6. I like the personal moment captured amid trucks, barred gates and bus. The bus adds to the picture for me too. Nice one.

  7. Yes, I think the near bus adds a measure of implied protection, and therefore intensifies the sense of intimacy. The OO is a nice graphical touch; it even resonates as a bit humorous commentary on the shot.

  8. You have every right to publish this image, you were in a public place. I also think you were right to leave the bus too for just the reasons you state, excellent photograph!

  9. I can see the affection they have for each other. Great work framing this image altogether. =]

  10. I like how the red in the truck in the foreground repeats in the lovers clothes. Possibly you could crop tighter by the end of the other car bringing more focus on the couple.

    But then again I like how it doesn't jump at you, as if they just happened to be there. Nice shot.

  11. I agree with Fritsch and the others ... excellent street shot, superb candid.

  12. Excelente imagem voyeur!

    Quem nunca teve momentos destes?!

  13. j'aime bien cette photo volée et tant que tu ne la vends pas ton regard t'appartient

  14. Le photographe approche à pas de loup masqué par le volume du bus... Tu ne les a apparemment pas dérangé ces deux tourtereaux...

  15. aaah a nooky break! heheh.

  16. tu poses des questions délicates.Le droit à l'image devient assez ch... avec le temps pour nous autres. J'aime bien le double effet gilette GII du bus et du camion remorque qui "fentent" la scène comme un rideau de caméra obturant les amoureux, je suis d'acc avec ton analyse.

  17. you always have such fine detail in your shots and this is no exception. Looks great.. nice candid too.

  18. Heureux de découvrir ce nouveau point de vue, tout aussi efficace avec ce gros camion qui même avec le vacarme l'accompagnant se suffit pas à "déconcentrer" notre joli couple. J'aime beaucoup.

  19. Belle histoire ici, ou on va chercher dans la photo, au milieu de tout ces éléments, un moment de calme et de douceur.
    Beau coup d'oeil !

  20. Un instant parfaitement capturé, belle photo!

  21. It seems like a film shot. Nice moment, excellent work!

  22. great how you captured this moment!

  23. That truck gives a 'phallic' feeling of "push" :)
    The 00 on the bus rear is our 'eyes', peeking :)

  24. Linda foto con un contexto original.

  25. I like shots that tell stories from the life as it is. Well done.

  26. Il y a des lieux plus romantiques !

  27. toujours un cadrage aux petits oignons ;) tu as réellement bien fait de ne pas recadrer ta photo.. tes amoureux se retrouvent à la pointe d'un triangle , entre les camions, y compris bien sur le 00..
    Et puis, quel intérêt si tu avais enlevé ces détails ? un couple ? on en a vu mille.. ici, la saveur bien justement de leur position.. en partie cachée. bravo

  28. DO NOT CROP.
    Notice how everything is in two's.
    the couple
    the truck
    The tires
    the roof tops
    the double O's


  29. Good composition. the attention is drown to the loving couple.

  30. je viens faire un tour : en vacances photographiques ?

  31. This and the previous photo are the two sides of this untold story.


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