
Lost And Confused

Lost And Confused
Santa Leopoldina - Espírito Santo - Brasil

[pt] As cidades pululam de pessoas que parecem para sempre perdidas, pessoas anônimas. Nas aldeias também, há homens e mulheres que parecem igualmente perdidas. Mas esses homens e mulheres não têm nada de anônimos, eles são conhecidos de quase todos. São homens e mulheres que encontrava nas aldeias da minha infância francesa, homens e mulheres que encontro hoje nos vilarejos brasileiros. Homens e mulheres cuja presença enigmática interroga-nos sobre o sentido que damos a nossas vidas.

[en] People looking lost and confused swarm in big cities These people are anonymous to almost everybody. In villages too, there are men and women who seem also lost, but these men and women are not anonymous, they are known by almost every villager. I met these men and women in the villages of my French childhood, I’m meeting nowadays these men and women in Brazilian villages. Men and women whose enigmatic presence questions the meaning that we give to our lives.

[fr] Les villes fourmillent de gens qui semblent à jamais perdus, des gens anonymes aux yeux de presque tous. Dans les villages aussi il y a des hommes et des femmes qui semblent tout aussi perdus. Mais ces hommes et ces femmes n’ont rien d’anonymes, ils sont connus de tous ou presque. Ce sont des hommes et des femmes que j’ai croisés dans les villages de mon enfance française, des hommes et des femmes que je croise de nos jours dans les villages brésiliens. Des hommes et des femmes dont la présence énigmatique nous interroge sur le sens que nous donnons à nos vies.


16 commentaires:

  1. Bonita foto, el motivo desordendo y caótico me gusta.

  2. you manage to arrange lots of small details into one simple and effectice composition

  3. You are most correct, i live in a small village myself and I can think of no better place :) This is a perfectly framed composition, one of the best photographs I have seen for a while, well done!

  4. "Come down off your throne and leave your body alone / Somebody must change / You are the reason Ive been waiting so long / Somebody holds the key" (Steve Winwood)
    Tear it down & build it up again. The old is not yet gone & what the tomorrow will bring nobody knows. What a great find & terrific frame! And sometimes I feel very alone in the crowd or surrounded by people I know. Even in the big city. Ab brilliant picture! All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  5. i really like the natural framing you captured from this old woman.. great shot.. :)

  6. A fine symbolic image with all heap of scraps and a dejected looking person walking by. Very nice shot.

  7. excellent framed picture and a pic to think over ... very strong work!

  8. That is a very interesting topic to explore as a photographer... being a city rat... I am always puzzled of all those "people" who seems to be completely "lost"...

    Strong... I hope to see more about your project.

  9. very unusual composition and it works really well. Nice

  10. Nice composition : maybe you could have cut the top of th picture ...maybe not...

  11. fine documentary shot portraying what life is like there. excellent clarity man!

  12. Sous cette image, ton texte me fait penser au livre de Sylvie Germain sorti dernièrement "Hors Champs"...

  13. J'aime beaucoup ton texte. En le lisant, on pourrait presque voir ta photo s'animer et cette dame continuer son chemin pour sortir du champs.

  14. That awesome. Looks like a hard life, the woman in the foreground a the surrounding as well

  15. jolie composition tout en hauteur, riche en détails.

  16. différents plans, comme différents moments de sa vie.. un certain chaos, désordre règne ;)


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