
Urban Fragments (2)

Jardim Camburi - Vitória - Espírito Santo - Brasil

[pt] [...] de bairro de casas passou a ser um bairro de prédios.

[en] Winter almost like summer under our tropical latitudes, boys and girls almost like under many latitudes, universal hormones, excitement in the streets, the old same story we’ve been looking at... But these streets... Are they here in Vitória looking like any street in the world? What makes them different? Anyway, cities and streets don’t stop changing, passing from one dominant model to a new one...

[fr] Dans ce lieu qui m’est familier, où j’ai effectué de nombreuses prises de vue pour une série destinée à illustrer des publications liées au secteur du BTP, m’est apparue soudain une composition « évidente », celle qui s’imposait à mon regard.


25 commentaires:

  1. perfect abstract of shapes and colours

  2. A story about the old & the new. A great picture because it works as a whole with the great colours & offers so many details to discover! Towels, chimneys & bricks ... these colours are amazing. Fantastic frame! Thanks for this beauty. All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  3. Great composition between the old and the new. A stark difference in the building and the minds that designed them, which is best? A great frame no matter what you prefer!

  4. j'aime le contraste des couleurs !

  5. so SHARP! Love this.

    faisal from friskypics.com

  6. A fine composition. I like the contrast between the old and the new. The innovative repairs to connect a circuit by attacking the wall, etc. Nice shot.

  7. Je suis particulièrement séduit par cette photo. Il me semble que ton sens de la composition prend sa plus grande dimension dans ce genre de prise de vue urbaine. Bravo.

  8. i love the clarity, the pattern, and the colors on this shot. excellent quality jonas!

  9. C'est different, les formes, les colours and I like the contrast between the lines and the circle in front.

  10. Great capture of all the amazing repeating patterns and shapes. Love the framing of the structure with all the windows along with the fascinating details in the roof. Impressive composition!

  11. bravo - graphically very interesting, as is the contrast of new and old.

  12. très bon contraste d'une double modernité (la parabole futuriste) et le batiment jaune-blanc, sur un toit et une maison qui datent un peu, c'est ce contraste qui est beau

  13. fascinating juxtaposition of the new, bland, buildings and the old tiles on that whitewashed structure. the dish too says a lot about modern day life.

  14. this is a beautiful urban scene.. great clarity, love the patterns and colors too.. great shot! :)

  15. Quelle composition magistrale!
    Les bandes de couleurs qui se marient à merveille, le contraste des textures et des âges lui, est très bien vu aussi!

  16. Bacana, seu Francis,
    A cidade - nosso bairro - se transforma muito rápido. Calçadas estreitas, sem lugar para as pessoas - só carros dominam nossas ruas. Os prédios vêm como tsunamis, caóticos.
    Uma bela foto.

  17. Esta gente tiene que verlo todo desde su casa, pero lo gracioso es que incluso se podria hacer una paella... jejeje.

  18. Excelente imagem gráfica e de contrastes. A evolução dos tempos...

  19. very nice composition! Love the patterns and colours!

  20. excellent seen and taken ... great contrast of old and new!

  21. Le format carré est bien employé. Et toujours cette profondeur de champ qui permet de découvrir des détails partout dans l'image.

  22. Amazing mixture of old and new architecture. very interesting shot

  23. This is a great photo. I love all the details.



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