
Carnaval 2009 (3)

Carnaval 2009 - ensaio Jucutuquara
Ensaio na quadra da Escola de samba Unidos de Jucutuquara - Vitória - Espírito Santo - Brasil

[pt] As fotografias da primeira série Carnaval 2009, clicadas durante os ensaios de escolas de samba de Vitória e Vila Velha, homenageam este esforço coletivo que combina a excelência dos talentos individuais e a apropriação pela comunidade do enredo.

[en] About Brazilian Carnival, one generally has in mind the parade of the Rio’s samba schools, forgetting (or being unaware of) that the impeccable setting is the result each year of months of work. The photographs, from the Carnaval 2009 first series, shot during the rehearsals of samba schools from Vitória and Vila Velha, pay homage to this collective effort that combines the excellence of the individual talents and the appropriation by the community of the enredo (the scenario, the theme illustrated by the floats and costumes…).

[fr] Lorsqu’on évoque le Carnaval brésilien on pense généralement aux défilés des écoles de samba de Rio, en oubliant (ou ignorant) que l’impeccable mise en scène est le résultat chaque année de mois de travail. Les photos de la première série Carnaval 2009, prises pendant les répétitions d’écoles de samba de Vitória et Vila Velha, rendent hommage à cet effort collectif qui allie l’excellence des talents individuels et l’appropriation par la communauté de l’enredo (le scénario, le thème illustré par les chars et les costumes...).


11 commentaires:

  1. Shot from a fine viewpoint to get this view into a dense crowd. A fine action shot of these dancers. Everyone appear to be having a great time. Fine image.

  2. excellent action shot!

  3. Cool shot, hey that guy looks like Obama :)

  4. Perfect dance - shot!

  5. Looks so much fun. Great set from this happy event, keep them coming!

  6. Tout est dans le mouvement...

  7. Boa foto! Gosto das cores...
    É uma foto que mostra a atmosfera de festa...

  8. everyone seems to be having a lot of fun.. i like your vantage point too.. i wish i could attend a carnaval one of these years.. :D nice shot! :)

  9. magnifique...quels mouvements, quelle expression et quelles couleurs, ta scène, on plonge dedans et on tourbillonne avec elle

  10. The colors and the movement are beautiful !!

  11. You captured an interesting moment, beautiful shot!


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