
Carnaval 2009 (2)

Carnaval 2009
Ensaio na quadra da Escola de samba Mocidade Unida da Glória (MUG) - Vila Velha - Espírito Santo - Brasil

[pt] As fotografias da primeira série Carnaval 2009, clicadas durante os ensaios de escolas de samba de Vitória e Vila Velha, homenageam este esforço coletivo que combina a excelência dos talentos individuais e a apropriação pela comunidade do enredo.

[en] About Brazilian Carnival, one generally has in mind the parade of the Rio’s samba schools, forgetting (or being unaware of) that the impeccable setting is the result each year of months of work. The photographs, from the Carnaval 2009 first series, shot during the rehearsals of samba schools from Vitória and Vila Velha, pay homage to this collective effort that combines the excellence of the individual talents and the appropriation by the community of the enredo (the scenario, the theme illustrated by the floats and costumes…).

[fr] Lorsqu’on évoque le Carnaval brésilien on pense généralement aux défilés des écoles de samba de Rio, en oubliant (ou ignorant) que l’impeccable mise en scène est le résultat chaque année de mois de travail. Les photos de la première série Carnaval 2009, prises pendant les répétitions d’écoles de samba de Vitória et Vila Velha, rendent hommage à cet effort collectif qui allie l’excellence des talents individuels et l’appropriation par la communauté de l’enredo (le scénario, le thème illustré par les chars et les costumes...).


8 commentaires:

  1. Love the framing of the drums

  2. i like how you framed and composed this image.. nice shot.. :)

  3. Wonderful Carnaval detail.

  4. un tambour joliment décoré et la surface usée en plein milieu est comme une texture qui renvoie à la fête. La main dessus, juste ce qu'il faut

  5. The worn surface of this drum tells a tale by itself of many songs and many years. Your inclusion of the sticks and hands provides a repetition hinting of the length of this drumline, but leaves the imagination to recreate the scene.

  6. That's not fair. We are working, day by day, routine is killing us here - and you? Photos from a festival. Come on! :D

    Thanks for bringing some music to this long, gray day, even if this music is from a photo!

  7. Hey Ilan, I'm working hard to shoot this photos :)

  8. Superbe ce cadrage.


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