
O Fim Chega Numa Manhã De Nevoeiro

O Fim Chega Numa Manhã De Nevoeiro

10 commentaires:

  1. A lovely depiction... the MISTY quality enhance the entirety in atmosphere!

  2. Will this dense fog ever lift? Imagine the miles covered to just get there where you found him ... crossing the wide sea, the high mountains & low valleys just to give us a feel a mystery & magic, to let us drown in this great monochromes of yours & make this something more felt than seen, Francis.

    The trees a& grass is trying to escape. But it won't work. Just like me that can't esacpe from your hypnotizing beauties, my friend!

    All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  3. love the mood you captured here, nice shot! :)

  4. un brouillard nocturne à frissonner. Belle réussite

  5. What a gorgeous mood you've captured/created here. Love it in simple b&w!

  6. Adoro o ambiente. Excelente fotografia!

  7. Tout le charme de la brume ... Très joli ! Bravo !

  8. Superbe! Le brouillard résonne.


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