
Quaresma / Lent / Carême (5)

Quaresma / Lent / Carême (5)
História e música - Song and story - Histoire et musique : Na Rodoviária / Raul Seixas

[pt] É o tempo da Quaresma, uma quaresma pagã, que inspirou os profetas de desgraça e alguns homens de boa vontade. É o tempo da quaresma e o mundo é preto e branco. É o tempo da quaresma e convem encarar o mundo sozinho perante o vazio que ele dá-nos ver, o vazio que está dentro de nós... / Fr. J.

[fr] C’est le temps du Carême, un carême païen, qui a inspiré les prophètes de malheur et quelques hommes de bonne volonté. C’est le temps du carême et le monde est noir et blanc. C’est le temps du carême et il convient d’envisager le monde seul face au vide qu’il nous donne à voir, le vide qui est en nous... / Fr. J.

[en] It is the time of the Lent, a pagan lent, which inspired the prophets of misfortune and some men of good will. It is the time of the lent and the world is black and white. It is the time of the lent and we have to contemplate the world alone in front of the emptiness that it gives us to see, the emptiness which is in us... / Fr. J.


9 commentaires:

  1. good choice to do this in B&W. nice lines/shapes and the reflection adds to the overall image.

  2. Excellent B&W! I love the great detail and the bus within a bus

  3. Terrific reflection. I can't tell if it's a reflection of the same bus or if there are two.

  4. This excellent black and white has such fine detail. A marvelous shot for it's qualities aside from the strong reflections. A top-notch shot!

  5. funny frame .. bus in a bus ;) great mono and that reflection

  6. "There's a Greyhound bus leaving the great Northwest / Taking here tonight back down south to Texas" (Dave Alvin)

    Double panorama, double pleasure, my friend! Your point of view & your ability to compose never fails to impress. A terrific frame!

    All the best & safe travels,

  7. very sleek bus.. :) nice capture..


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