
Rue d'enfer

Rue d'enfer
Rue d'enfer - Metz - Lorraine - France

[fr] Combien de saisons, combien de nuits trop longues ? Combien de matins difficiles à affronter, combien de soleils trop éblouissants ? Combien de douleurs insupportables ? La patience, malgré tout, chaque fois en est venue à bout, pour un temps... / Fr. J.

[pt] Quantas temporadas, quantas noites longas demais? Quantas manhãs diffíceis a enfrentar, quantos sóis ofuscantes demais? Quantas dores insuportáveis? A paciência, apesar de todo, conseguiu cada vez oferecer uma saída, uma temporária saída... / Fr. J.

[en] How many seasons, how many too long nights? How many hard mornings to endure, how many crazy incandescent suns? How many intolerable pains? Patience, despite of all, offered each time an exit, a temporary exit... / Fr. J.


6 commentaires:

  1. I really like the compositional elements here and your choice to focus on the background instead of the young man was excellent

  2. Les mots et la photo m'évoquent "Une saison en Enfer", de Rimbaud...
    Heureusement tout de même que la municipalité à eu le bon esprit de souligner vigoureusement la signalisation de la rue d'Enfer d'un sens interdit sans équivoque.

  3. I like the shadow-play here, PixeLuz, and the fact it's a one-way street. I wonder if there's any symbolism in his coming out into the light? :)

  4. A serious looking streets scene. To me this fellow looks troubled. Nice shadows and shapes in the shot. Well done.

  5. And this do not enter signs are haunting sometime. I always feel like breaking the rule seeing one of them. A great play of shadows & light, my friend. Words can hardly describe how much I love those travels with you. All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  6. Rua do Inferno?
    Quem é que gostará de viver nessa rua?
    Seja como for aparentemente é proibido entrar lá.


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