
Cores Papais - Corpus Christi (3)

Papal Colors - Corpus Christi
Festa de Corpus Christi - Castelo - Espírito Santo - Brasil

[pt] Festa da presença real e substancial de Cristo na Eucaristia, Corpus Christi oferece aos peregrinos a contemplação do pão e do vinho. Os habitantes de Castelo fazem o melhor possível para decorar a entrada ou a fachada das casas de acordo com a simbólica eucarística. Mas chega também um momento em que os peregrinos voltam a contar com as inevitáveis contingências terrestres. Dotados do génio brasileiro da informalidade, uns residentes improvisam-se chefes de cozinha por um dia. A escolha entre as batatas fritas e a polenta não menos frita parece deixar perplexo este peregrino que vai conferir outras refeições na vizinhança.

[en] Honouring the Eucharist, which believers consider to be the actual body and blood of Christ, Corpus Christi offers to the pilgrims the contemplation of the bread and the wine. The inhabitants of Castelo decorate as well as possible the entry or the frontage of their house according to the eucharistic symbolic language. But there arrives a moment when the pilgrims must deal with terrestrial contingencies. Endowed with the Brazilian genius of informality, many residents improvise a restaurant business for one day. The choice between fried potatoes and the polenta not less fried seems to leave perplexed this pilgrim who will compare further other menus.

[fr] Commémorant l'institution du sacrement de l'Eucharistie, Corpus Christi offre au regard des pèlerins la contemplation du pain et du vin. Les habitants de Castelo ont à coeur de décorer au mieux l’entrée ou la façade de leur maison selon la symbolique eucharistique. Mais il arrive aussi un moment où les pèlerins doivent se rendre à des contingences terrestres. Doué du génie brésilien de l’informalité, de nombreux riverains s’improvisent pour un jour restaurateur. Le choix entre les pommes de terre frites et la polenta non moins frite semble laisser perplexe ce pèlerin qui d’un bon pas va comparer plus loin d’autres menus.


11 commentaires:

  1. Ils ne font pas les choses à moitié !

  2. those decors look really colorful..beautiful capture here.. :)

  3. fried polenta and potatos would do me just fine thanks! excellent duo and a very interesting series of images so far.

  4. No doubt I would eat it all. Another colourful blast is going on. And these two are just made for eath other. Thanks for this one. All the best & safe travels, Fritsch.

  5. very nice and interesting series.

  6. A fine pair of pictures of this special observance. The idea of a "restaurant for a day" seems very unique to me. It must be an adventure to sample a home's offering. Nice shooting.

  7. This is your answer :). They take the bread and the rest of the decorations and sell it to the pilgrims? The food might bring luck for the year, wouldn't mind try it :). On left photo, it's a very nice decoration for a one-day restaurant.

  8. @ Henny: No, this is not the answer, you will have to wait a little bit :)

  9. j'apprends des choses avec toi. ;) bon choix de dyptique; le restaurateur improvisé est aussi doué pour la décoration ;)


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